
Full Disclaimer

Please see the full disclaimer containing important information for readers below.

The Grreat Dog Rescue Does Not Provide Professional Advice

Information on The Grreat Dog Rescue is for educational purposes only and should not be considered professional advice.

Whenever you have an issue with your pet, our advice to you is to speak to your local veterinarian or professional trainer.

Regarding Vet-Approved Articles

The main goal of The Grreat Dog Rescue is to provide you with both accurate and safe advice, that’s why we work with qualified and practicing veterinarians to review, and even write the content you are reading on the site.

Although this content IS of veterinary standard, you MUST still seek advice from your local veterinarian regarding health issues with your pet.

Your local veterinarian will be able to physically examine and perform various health tests, and that can never be replaced by any article, no matter how good or accurate it is.

Any product or service that is “recommended” throughout The Grreat Dog Rescue, is from our personal experience.

If you choose to go ahead and use that product or service after having read an article on The Grreat Dog Rescue, you do so at your own risk and responsibility. We always advise you to check reviews and do your own research before choosing to buy any product for your dog.

Always Seek Advice From Your Local Veterinarian or Trained Professional

You should always seek advice from a trained professional before making decisions or taking action that could affect the health and/or safety of your dog.

Affiliate Disclaimer

The Grreat Dog Rescue is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com

The Grreat Dog Rescue also participates in various other affiliate programs in association with Clickbank, and or any other affiliate networks.