When Do Pocket Bullies Stop Growing? Key Growth Stages

When you welcome a charming pocket bully pup into your home, it’s natural to wonder about their growth journey. Questions like “When do pocket bullies stop growing?” are common among new American Bully owners.

It’s crucial to comprehend the developmental stages of this distinctive dog breed that kennel clubs recognize. While there’s no definitive answer, exploring factors like breed standards, weight charts, and comparisons to other bully varieties can offer insights into when your pocket bully will reach its fully developed size.

Let’s unravel the mysteries of American bully growth together.

Vital Summary:

  • Understand the growth journey of pocket bullies: from wondering when they stop growing to recognizing their unique developmental stages, every step is explored.
  • Genetics, nutrition, and health play crucial roles in determining a pocket bully’s final size and overall well-being.
  • Pocket bullies typically reach their full size between 12 to 18 months, with males weighing 25–35 pounds and females 20–30 pounds.
  • Males tend to be larger and more muscular than females, but both genders follow similar growth trajectories.
  • Choosing a reputable breeder and understanding potential health issues like joint problems, obesity, and breathing difficulties are essential for ensuring a pocket bully’s healthy growth.

When do Pocket Bullies Reach Full Size?

As a pocket bully pup owner, you might be curious about when your adorable buddy will reach their full size. It’s good to know what lies ahead as your little one grows and changes.

There’s no exact timeline for when pocket bullies will stop growing. Each dog grows at its own pace, but there are some general milestones and factors that can help you gauge their growth.

Factors That Affect Pocket Bully Growth Rate

Several factors can influence a pocket bully’s growth rate and final adult size. Genetics play a big role; pocket bullies with larger parents tend to end up bigger than those from smaller parents.

Proper nutrition is also key for optimal growth. A high-quality, protein-rich puppy food helps them develop strong bones and muscles. Any health issues during puppyhood can stunt growth, so regular vet check-ups are a must.

Average Pocket Bully Weight at Maturity

Most pocket bullies reach their full adult weight between 12 to 18 months old. Males typically end up weighing 25–35 pounds, while females usually fall in the 20–30 pound range.

However, some pocket bullies can be smaller or larger than average, depending on their breeding and bloodlines. Micro pocket bullies are bred to be the smallest and may only weigh 10–20 pounds fully grown.

Pocket Bully Growth Stages

To get a better understanding of when pocket bullies stop growing, it helps to break down their development into key growth stages. Here’s what you can expect as your pocket buly pup grows and matures:

Newborn to 2 Weeks

Newborn pocket bullies are completely dependent on their mother for warmth, nutrition, and care. They are born blind and deaf, spending most of their time sleeping and nursing.

Healthy pocket bully puppies will double their birth weight by 10–14 days old. Breeders should monitor the litter closely to ensure all pups are gaining weight and thriving.

3 to 12 Weeks

This is a critical socialization period for pocket bully puppies. Between 3-8 weeks, they transition from nursing to eating puppy food. By 8 weeks, pocket bullies are typically fully weaned and ready to go to their new homes.

Puppies grow quickly at this stage, typically adding about 2-4 pounds each week. It’s really important for their development to spend time with people and other dogs.

4 to 6 Months

Pocket bully puppies grow fast during their teenage months, hitting about half to three-quarters of their adult weight by the time they’re six months old. They have tons of energy at this stage and need lots of exercise and playtime to burn it off.

Training is key at this stage to set up good behavior and obedience. Pocket bullies might start bulking up and showing more muscle definition.

7 to 12 Months

Growth begins to slow down for pocket bullies after 6 months as they approach adult size. Most will be close to their full height by their first birthday, but may continue adding bulk and muscle until 18–24 months.

Spaying/neutering is often recommended at this age, if not being bred. Firm but gentle training remains important to shape the dog’s temperament.

1 to 2 Years

Most pocket bullies are considered fully grown by 18 months old, but some may not reach their final weight and musculature until 2 years. At this point, it’s important to transition to an adult maintenance diet to avoid weight gain.

Pocket bullies are known for their sturdy and compact build, but they shouldn’t be too heavy. Keeping them fit with regular exercise and a balanced diet can help them live long, active lives.

Differences in Male and Female Pocket Bully Growth

While male and female pocket bullies go through the same general growth stages, there are some differences in their development and final size. Let’s take a closer look at the growth charts for each sex.

Male Pocket Bully Growth Chart

On average, male pocket bullies are slightly larger than females. A typical growth chart for males:

  • 3 months: 15-20 pounds
  • 6 months: 20-30 pounds
  • 9 months: 25-35 pounds
  • 12 months: 30-40 pounds
  • 18 months: 35-45 pounds (fully grown)

Males tend to be taller and more muscular than females when mature. They may also take a bit longer to reach their full size.

Female Pocket Bully Growth Chart

Female pocket bullies are usually smaller and more compact than male bullies. An average female growth chart:

  • 3 months: 10-15 pounds
  • 6 months: 15-25 pounds
  • 9 months: 20-30 pounds
  • 12 months: 25-35 pounds
  • 18 months: 30-40 pounds (fully grown)

Females typically have a more refined, less bulky appearance than males as adults. They may reach their full size a bit sooner than males.

Ensuring Healthy Growth in Pocket Bullies

If you have a pocket bully, there are some key things you can do to help them grow strong and healthy. Make sure they eat well-balanced food without going overboard on treats, and keep up with regular playtime or walks.

Importance of High-Quality Diet

For pocket bullies to grow strong and healthy, good nutrition is a must. Make sure puppies get high-quality food made just for their age group. It should be rich in protein and fat to help them develop properly.

Avoid generic dog foods and those with fillers like corn, wheat, and soy. Consulting with the breeder or vet on the best diet can help optimize the puppy’s growth and health.

Avoiding Overfeeding

While pocket bullies need sufficient nutrition to grow, overfeeding can lead to excessive weight gain and health problems. Puppies should be fed on a schedule, not free-fed, to avoid overeating.

Monitor body condition and adjust portions as needed to maintain a healthy weight. Treats should be limited to 10% of daily calories. Obesity puts strain on developing joints and internal organs.

Exercise Needs at Different Ages

Exercise is important for pocket bullies but must be appropriate for their age and developmental stage. Puppies need short play sessions and shouldn’t have forced exercise like long walks or jogs, which can damage growing bones and joints.

Adult pocket bullies need moderate daily activity to maintain muscle mass and a healthy weight. Avoid strenuous exercise in hot weather, as this bully breed is prone to overheating.

Common Pocket Bully Health Issues Related to Growth

Pocket bullies, a newer breed, often face specific health challenges. Many of these issues stem from their rapid growth and development stages. It’s crucial for pocket bully owners to stay informed about potential problems.

I’ve treated countless bully breeds as a veterinarian, so I know just how much these health problems can influence their well-being. By being aware of potential issues and addressing them early on, you can make sure your pocket bully stays joyful and in good shape.

Joint Problems

Joint troubles like hip dysplasia and elbow dysplasia are common in pocket bullies. When these joints develop poorly, it can cause discomfort, lameness, or even arthritis for your furry friend.

Pocket bullies often struggle with joint issues due to their hefty muscle mass and compact frame. This extra weight can really strain their joints, leading to potential damage over time.

Keeping your pocket bully at an ideal weight with nutritious food helps prevent joint issues. Be careful not to overfeed or give too many snacks since this can lead to obesity and add pressure on their joints.

Regular exercise is vital for keeping joints healthy, but don’t push it too far. Pocket bullies have loads of energy, yet their short legs and sturdy bodies can lead to overexertion easily. Opt for moderate activities like brief walks or playtime sessions instead of high-impact exercises such as jumping or running on hard surfaces.


These little guys love their food, which makes it easy for pocket bullies to become overweight. Unfortunately, extra pounds can bring about problems such as sore joints, diabetes complications, and even heart trouble.

To keep your pocket bully fit and healthy, make sure they eat a balanced diet. Pick dog food that matches their age and activity level. Be careful with portion sizes and don’t go overboard on treats or table scraps.

Keeping your pocket bully at a healthy weight is easier with regular exercise. Aim for about half an hour of moderate activities like walking or playing each day. This not only helps them stay fit but also strengthens their muscles and keeps their joints moving smoothly.

Breathing Difficulties

Pocket bullies, with their cute but short snouts, often struggle to breathe easily. Their narrow airways can cause a condition called brachycephalic airway syndrome. This might lead to them snoring or even having trouble catching their breath.

Maintaining a healthy weight is crucial for your pocket bully to avoid breathing issues. Make sure not to overwork them, especially on hot or muggy days when it’s tougher for them to catch their breath.

If your pocket bully is having trouble breathing, snoring loudly, or making odd noises while inhaling, you should take them to the vet immediately. Sometimes, they might need surgery to fix these issues and help them breathe easier.

Owning a pocket bully means keeping an eye on their health. Regular vet visits, balanced meals, and daily exercise are key to making sure your furry friend stays fit and cheerful.

Pocket Bully Size Classifications

If you’re considering a pocket bully as a pet, understanding their size is crucial. Pocket bullies are selectively bred to be more compact compared to standard American Bullies. However, there’s still some range in how big or small they can get within this category. Recognizing these variations will guide you in finding the ideal companion for your home environment.

Having owned and bred pocket bullies for years, I’ve noticed how their size can affect their health, behavior, and overall happiness. It’s crucial to pick a size that suits your lifestyle while keeping the dog’s well-being in mind.

Micro Pocket Bully

The tiniest of the pocket bully size classes is known as the micro pocket bully. Weighing in at just 10 to 15 pounds and standing under 13 inches tall, these little guys are all muscle with a short, stocky frame. Despite their small stature, they have big personalities that can fill any room.

Micro pocket bullies are perfect for small living spaces like apartments, but be aware that breeding them to be extremely tiny can lead to health problems. These little dogs might face issues with breathing, joints, and other size-related concerns.

Thinking about getting a micro pocket bully? Make sure you do your homework and pick a breeder who values the dog’s health and temperament more than its size. You want someone who tests their dogs for health issues and aims for well-rounded, structurally sound pups rather than just the tiniest ones.

Standard Pocket Bully

The standard pocket bully is the most common size for this breed. These dogs usually weigh between 15 and 30 pounds, standing around 13 to 16 inches tall at the shoulder. They have a solid, muscular build with a broad chest and a short, square head.

Standard pocket bullies make great pets if you want a compact yet robust buddy. They usually enjoy good health and often outlive some of the bigger bully breeds. They’re also flexible in terms of where they can live—whether it’s an apartment or a house with limited yard space.

When picking out a standard pocket bully, it’s important to find a breeder who prioritizes the dog’s health, temperament, and overall structure. A good standard pocket bully will have a well-proportioned body without any extreme traits or major health issues.

XL Pocket Bully

The XL pocket bully is the biggest in the pocket bully family. These dogs usually tip the scales at 30 to 50 pounds and measure between 16 and 20 inches tall at their shoulders. They boast a more robust, muscular build compared to their smaller counterparts, featuring broader chests and larger heads.

For those who live in larger houses or properties with plenty of outdoor space, XL pocket bullies make wonderful companions. Their gentle nature often makes them great around both young ones and fellow furry friends—especially if there are teens or another dog at home.

It’s worth noting that XL pocket bullies might face more health challenges due to their size, like joint issues or weight gain. These bigger pups also need more exercise and space compared to the smaller ones.

If you’re getting an XL pocket bully, find a breeder who tests for health issues and aims for balanced structure in their dogs. Avoid breeders obsessed with size alone since it might bring future complications.

No matter if they’re big or small, all pocket bullies thrive with good training and social skills. By selecting a reputable breeder and keeping their diet balanced, along with regular vet visits, you’ll ensure they stay happy for years to come.

Choosing a Reputable Pocket Bully Breeder

When adding a pocket bully to your family, choosing a reputable breeder matters most. Good breeders care deeply about their dogs’ health and personalities, providing support even after you’ve brought your new friend home.

After working with many pocket bully owners over the years, it’s clear that a good breeder makes all the difference. They go beyond just selling pups—they provide thorough health checks, early social training, and continuous help so each puppy thrives in its new home.

Signs of a Responsible Breeder

If you’re on the hunt for a pocket bully breeder, there are some clear signs to look out for that indicate they’re responsible and ethical.

  • Health testing: A reputable breeder will health test their breeding dogs for common genetic issues in the breed, such as hip dysplasia, elbow dysplasia, and heart problems. They should be able to provide documentation of these tests and explain the results to you.
  • Socialization: A good breeder will start socializing their puppies from an early age, exposing them to different people, animals, and environments to help them develop into confident, well-adjusted dogs.
  • Contracts and guarantees: A reputable breeder will provide a contract outlining their health guarantee, spay/neuter requirements, and other important information. They should also be willing to take back a dog at any point in its life if the owner can no longer care for it.
  • Ongoing support: A good breeder will be available to answer questions and provide support throughout your dog’s life. They should be knowledgeable about the breed and willing to share their expertise with you.

By finding a responsible breeder, you can make sure your pocket bully is healthy and well-bred. This way, you’ll have a loving companion for many years.

Questions to Ask Before Buying a Pocket Bully Puppy

When considering working with a specific breeder, don’t forget to ask some critical questions first. This helps ensure you know what you’re getting into before committing to bringing home a new pup.

  • Can I see health test results for the parents? A reputable breeder should be able to provide documentation of health tests for the parents of the litter, including hip and elbow scores, heart tests, and any other relevant tests for the breed.
  • How are the puppies socialized? Ask about the breeder’s socialization program and what steps they take to expose the puppies to different people, animals, and environments.
  • What is included in the sale contract? Make sure you understand the terms of the sale contract, including any health guarantees, spay/neuter requirements, and other important information.
  • What kind of support do you offer after the sale? A good breeder will be available to answer questions and provide support throughout your dog’s life. Ask about their policies for ongoing support and what resources they offer to new owners.

By asking the right questions and doing some research, you can find a trustworthy pocket bully breeder who genuinely cares about their dogs’ health and happiness.

Picking the right pocket bully breeder is a big deal and can really shape your dog’s future. By finding a responsible, ethical breeder who cares about health, temperament, and ongoing support, you set up your pocket bully for a happy and healthy life.


So, when do pocket bullies stop growing? While there’s no exact date on the calendar, most pocket bullies reach their full adult size. But remember, every dog is unique, and factors like genetics, diet, and health can all play a role in how big your pocket bully gets and how fast they get there.

To keep your pocket bully happy and healthy, make sure they eat well, get plenty of exercise, and see the vet regularly. And don’t forget to cherish every moment as they grow from a tiny puppy into a loyal companion.

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